About Me

Who am I?
I am Mubashar, an aspiring commercial airline pilot.

Ever since the age of 6 I’ve loved airplanes and the thought of soaring the skies one day!
“For once you have tasted flight, You will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; For there you have been, And there you long to return.“
– I recall the words of Leonardo Di Vinci that has always stuck with me growing up.
Who am I?
My name is Mubashar Yasin also known as The Proficient Airman. I am the writer behind the blogs on The Proficient Airman.
Growing up in the shadows of an international airport and within a stone throw of a small airfield I’ve admired planes close and far – be it be Boeing 747s on approach or Cessna 172s in circuit. At the age of 6, a love story and sense of curiosity was fuelled between aircrafts and I. Through childhood and my teens the desire and spark to become an airline pilot grew and has not faded since.
3 facts about me: I’m an aspiring airline pilot, my favourite TV show is Money Heist and I love sushi. Let’s break the ice – let me know facts about you and what you’d like to see from this blog page – contact details down below.
My Background
I’m a first generation child to parents that emigrated from another country. Having lived in social housing growing up and seeing my parents get groceries via the bus I truly appreciate how helpless young people feel to fund their dream – especially if you’re from low-income or less privileged backgrounds. It came to a point where I genuinely thought it was not possible to become a pilot!
… However, that has all changed and I’m more positive than ever!
Currently, I work across 3 jobs to fund my dream to train. One of which is being Ground Crew + fire-fighter at my local airfield. Here I ensure the safe and efficient operation of aircrafts and the overall functioning of the airfield. I also work within the healthcare sector and in retail across evenings and weekends.
Previously, I’ve been in the Air Cadets and University Air Squadron (UAS) where I was given the opportunity to fly the Grob Tutor 114e and have been a steward at events like Wimbledon, RIAT and Trooping the Colour royal events. I have continued to serve the RAF as a serving Civilian Instructor for the Air Cadets in the evenings (twice weekly) where I can fit in time.
My long-term aspiration is to inspire young people to explore aviation regardless of your background, sex or socioeconomic status. So here I am documenting my journey to become an airline pilot – as well as educating and sharing experiences. If there is anything you’d like to see from this blog please let me know and I will try my best to accommodate where possible.
And finally, I also aspire to host exhibition stands and presentations at Pilot events for organisations I am passionate about. This is definitely something I will look to explore with charities and training schools I work with in order to offer genuine training advice to make a difference.
Want to know more about my childhood and love for planes – click here. This will take you to a separate blog post.
Don’t forget all great things start with a mindset. With the right mindset, passion and relentless hard-work you will achieve what you set out to do! Happy flying.
The Proficient Airman, Mubashar Yasin / [email protected].