Let’s Mingle: Reflections From A Pilot Exhibition Event in London.

Every year, I regularly attend Pilot Careers Live (PCL) in Sofitel Hotel, Heathrow Airport. Their website boasts to be ‘Europe’s largest independent training exhibition’ with airlines, training organisations, university/colleges, current and future cadets present. Therefore, it is useful to attend to network, ask questions and get a feel of the industry.

PCL usually takes place twice a year – one in April and the second exhibition around November time. For the past two years this has been virtual/cancelled due to COVID. Although recently they have opened it up, for example there was a PCL in April 2022 and an upcoming one on Sat 5th Nov 2022. 

I’m really looking forward to meet different people and networking with them and understanding how far they have reached in their flying career. As a young teen I recall feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of study material and time needed for the ATPLs as well as the “upfront £100K cost for training needed for training.” It was only when I attended PCL and spoke to pilots it reassured me around the ATPLs and what’s really involved. And regarding the “£100k mandatory costs” or myths like “you CANNOT fly if you wear glasses” these were again debunked simply by speaking to people. I would highly recommend speaking to pilots and training cadets even if it feels scary or intimidating – everyone is there to help! No question is a stupid question. 

In 2019, the PCL took place in October (instead of Nov) and whilst I was leaning towards the modular pathway I went ahead and spoke to a recruiter for a school anyway – Leading Edge Aviation. After nearly an hour of an insightful and engaging conversation I left my details to receive promotional communication and brochures and must’ve entered a giveaway whilst doing so. Lo and behold at the end of PCL I receive a notification stating I had been awarded a one hour trial flight with Leading Edge Aviation. Now for anyone that doesn’t know – my luck with competitions is fairly poor – I am convinced to this day the conversation I had with the recruiter definitely played a part in ‘winning’ this. Nonetheless I am still grateful to Leading Edge Aviation for the trial flight – very professional and exciting experience that I truly cherish.

Leading Edge Aviation (LEA)

Roll on the FREE one hour flight lesson with LEA! (If you skipped the PCL bit – I was awarded this during a visit to PCL). 

I flew with the Diamond DA40 equipped with state-of-the-art technology – makes a change from the Cessnas! I did manage to take a photo which is shown below. 

The LEA instructor and I completed a weather briefing, pre-flight external/flight panel check as well as pre-takeoff checklist. I took control of the stick shortly after takeoff and retained control throughout the flight (except during manoeuvres and landing). We undertook steep descending turns and straight, level flying in the circuit. We also practised power off stalls as the instructor demonstrated the signs for an impeding stall (e.g. whistling, buffeting) and effects of a high angle of attack.

As part of the University Air Squadron (UAS) I was also flying on the Grob Tutor G115E. It was interesting to see a change with the DA40 incorporating a glass display (the Garmin 1000 Electronic Flight Instruments (EFIS)). Below shows a picture of the glass cockpit that I took during the flight. This definitely simplified the handling, operation and navigation of the aircraft. 

Following the flight I had a tour of LEA HQ including a visit to their flight simulation centre adjacent to their base at Oxford Airport. At the time there was students practising on the DA42 simulator (which was pretty cool to see up close in person). I believe they have an A320 and another DA42 simulator as of May 2021 (based on their website). 

Overall, it was a great experience having flown with an instructor with an extensive flying experience and a school that prides itself with high standards of practise and achievement.