From YouTube To Real-Life: Reflections From The time I met Captain Joe.

Written by: The Proficient Airman, Mubashar Yasin.

The time I met Captain Joe

Captain Joe at Pilot Career’s Live – 2019.

For those that don’t know Captain Joe he’s only one of the largest Aviation-related YouTubers providing education and insight into aviation. With over 1.5 million subscribers he has a pretty big reach!

Captain Joe covers topics such as how Fly-by-wire works, dangers of freezing fuel and take-off speeds. His most popular video was ‘Where do flight crew sleep?.’ You will notice from the comments a lot of people who watch his videos are not aviation enthusiasts. It’s fair to say aviation is definitely one of those industries that intrigues a lot of people!

Now that the introductions are over…

After years of watching his YouTube channel – I finally bumped into him. This was at Pilot Careers Live. I wasn’t aware he was attending until I walked past and saw him! I have created a blog post talking about Pilot’s Careers Live for those who want to know more.

The queue to see him was incredibly long! But after seeing him it was great learning about Captain Joe’s journey to the flight deck. And also his transition from passenger jets to cargo with Cargolux was an interesting conversation. Captain Joe is based out in Berlin and now flies the Boeing 747. It was great having him here in London providing his insight into the industry.

I remember watching a video where he explained he has a vision board and plans to fulfil each goal one by one – starting with flying the Boeing-747 (which he managed to do). And then doing a TedTalk and just recently he achieved another goal which I was really excited to hear about. He has released his book called ‘Read and Do’.

For those interested to hear the TedTalk, here’s the link:

It’s great to see Captain Joe come so far with his YouTube channel, his flying career and his goals to finally do a TedTalk. He’s a great testimony of what one can achieve with a lot of grit, relentless dedication and discipline. Sometimes it’s difficult to find that motivation and drive to get up and create a YouTube video or that blog – but ultimately your passion and discipline should win every single time.

The sentiment of this blog is to motivate those who want to achieve their dream of flying in the skies, or whether that is to start something to help others – or both! Never stop believing in yourself and keep pushing even if the odds don’t look like they’ll be in your favour. Winners never quit.

Blue Skies + Tailwinds