Why I Love Exhibitions + Pilot Networking Event in London 2023

I absolutely love attending exhibitions. It brings me great joy to see cadet pilots, newly qualified and recent airline recruits sharing their exciting journeys. Nothing makes me more happier than seeing those embark on the one dream we both share. These events are excellent for networking, building connections and gaining updates on the ‘know how’ of the aviation industry. Most importantly exhibitions are an opportunity to showcase our industry and inspire the next generation. . This is why I love exhibitions – they do exactly that!

Remember – new opportunities are usually announced at these events. I can’t stress the number of Pilot Career Live events I’ve been to where there’s been a new announcement. For example, last year Leading Edge Aviation announced they are offering fully funded LEAP + FI training courses. The previous year it was FTE Jerez with two fully-funded scholarship opportunities. And this year it could be an airline…… I was speaking with a BA Pilot who discreetly disclosed that something BIG is in the pipeline…. we could be looking at a fully-funded opportunity or opportunities VERY, VERY soon.

What is Pilot Career Live?

Pilot Career Live is a platform that focuses on providing information and resources for individuals interested in pursuing a career as a pilot. It could include this in the form of seminars, presentations. and/or networking opportunities with industry professionals. The purpose of Pilot Career Live is to offer guidance, insights, and support to aspiring pilots, helping them navigate the path towards a successful career in aviation. That £20 entrance ticket is highly worth it. Save yourself a takeaway one night and spend it on here instead – trust me, you’ll be thanking me. I can’t stress enough how invaluable these events are. By attending these events you will gain insight AND will be showing your future employer or school how dedicated you are as not everyone will be taking out their precious time to surround themselves with like-minded people at exhibitions or speaker meetings.

The agenda on the left is from an exhibition I attended recently in April 2023. Really great event – I would highly recommend.

Pilot Careers Live 2023 – London Heathrow –


My Passion for Exhibitions.

I love exhibitions – One exhibition stand was what guided me to truly realise my dream. As a child I’ve always wanted to be a pilot but thought it was a ‘phase’. Me? A young, brown kid from a low income background – I never actually thought it could happen. One day I attended an exhibition stand and it all changed! I spoke to a pilot who said don’t ever give up – even if it comes down to the very last penny. From that day a new fire was ignited – one that stem from encouragement, motivation and inspiration. That day was the turning point for me.

I want to work with an organisation that I’m truly passionate for and host stands to support students and help them make the right choice.

Currently, in my day job I host exhibitions for a product to promote sales in the healthcare sector. Whilst the interactions are phenomenal and it really helps on the return on investment (ROI) with sales growth I do feel I could better utilise my skills elsewhere within aviation.

One day I aspire to host exhibition stands and attend schools to SHOW that it is possible – regardless of age, sex, gender or background. This is the reason why I started this blog in the first place. Growing up there wasn’t anything like this. Therefore, I aspire to be a beacon of hope for those that come after me. And I look forward to doing this through exhibitions and many other ways possible with an organisation I believe that truly makes a difference.

Pilot Networking Exhibition – London

I recall speaking to one of the students from Stapleford Aviation Training Centre. He was praising how well Stapleford was – and rightly so. Every student I have come across have great words to say about them. As we spoke I came to know the FI at the airfield I work at was his FI at another airfield I was planning to do my PPL initially. He praised how resourceful she was and had made a real impact on his training journey. He also spoke about how the training organisation – Booker Airfield, High Wycombe where he originally trained at has gone from good to mediocre-bad. Excellence in teaching style has become neglected and students are often left for themselves. Interestingly, another student mentioned the same – the instructors there are not forth-coming and ‘instructing” to the best of their ability as they should. It seems since it stopped being recognised as ‘BA Flying Club’ it has not been doing as well. If you are looking to train and this school is on your list of schools then it might be worth speaking to instructors and see whether you’re a fit for one another. There may be merit in what is said but ultimately your own research will decide for you – I mentioned this as I think it’s important for me to be transparent and share the experience and advice I’ve been told. Perhaps reality might be entirely different and things have changed for the better! Who knows.

The above quote is from an exhibition I recently attended for the healthcare company I work for. It really put things into perspective for me. We should always continue to develop ourself but also importantly help those along us reach for the summit. There is a saying – if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Collaboration is definitely the way forward – whether that is in the cockpit as flight crew or whether that is through hosting exhibitions to help the younger cohort.

In London I spoke with the Falcon Flying Group. I managed to speak to a young lady who was with another company in the previous year I attended. It was great catching up with her and talking about her new journey as an instructor with the Falcon Flying Group. She is also leading up the scholarship opportunities at this organisation. So keep your eyes peeled!

Here’s an example of one of the exhibitions I recently attended in Maidenhead, Berkshire. This was a conference whilst also promoting products. Unfortunately, there is a lot of restriction in what we can do and what we can’t. But what is really interesting is the level of engagement and impact you can have from a single exhibition. Having organised and attended over 100 exhibitions I know what it takes to make an excellent exhibition and insightful interaction. I really look forward to transitioning this into aviation in order to help young students who may otherwise be exploring other careers – perhaps because aviation is ‘unaffordable’ or ‘too difficult’ or ‘too unsafe’. All concerns I too had as a kid. I will leave it at this – I do believe it is on each and every one of us to aspire and inspire. Aspire to become the best version of yourself. Inspire the next generation to become better than you. it’s the least legacy we can leave within the aviation industry.

Simulator flight.

I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to try out some simulator flying with Omni Aviation Training Center. As you can see on the right there is a board with a waiting list for those looking to try – so I was quite lucky to get a chance when it was quiet in the early hours!

It was an incredible opportunity to fly using their sim. The Yoke felt quite stiff compared to the Microsoft Joystick I have at home!

In a previous exhibition I was able to have a play around with sim with full wall screens – this one was smaller but did quite well too in terms of graphics. I have also tried out FlightPad’s sim at the University of West London – feel free to check my post talking about that. Feel free to check out Omni if you’re ever around at PCL’s next exhibition. I believe they have one coming up in Berlin, Manchester and Dublin!

I also had the opportunity to meet the Air League, the Air Pilots organisation, Leading Edge Aviation, Bristol Ground School, Wings Alliance and many more organisations. Keep your eyes peeled for scholarship opportunities by the kind Air League and Air Pilots (closed now – open Feb 2024). Here I’ve attached some of thw companies present on the day – feel free to check them out!

  • 2Fly Airborne
  • Aeros
  • Atlantic Flight Training Academy
  • Aviation South West
  • Avionmar Flight Academy
  • BAA Training
  • BA
  • Bucks University
  • CAE
  • Falcon Flight Training
  • Flightlogger
  • FTE Jerez
  • FTA Global (now under administration)
  • Heathrow Medical
  • Helicentre Aviation
  • JetSky Flight Sims
  • L3 Harris
  • Leading Edge Aviation
  • OMNI Aviation
  • OSM Aviation Academy
  • Pooleys
  • Professional Aviation
  • Resilient Pilot
  • Ryanair
  • Sevenair
  • Simtech
  • Skyborne Aviation
  • Stapleford Flight Centre
  • Stein Pilot Insurance
  • TUI
  • Air Pilots
  • University of West London
  • Wings Alliance – BGS, Global, UWE, VA Airline training.